About True Vine Music

True Vine Worship is the music of Michael A. Schmid, pastor and worship leader in Napa, CA
Michael A. Schmid True Vine Music

Why "True Vine" Music?

True Vine Music is located in Napa, California, in the Napa Valley, one of the premier winemaking regions of the world. The valley is filled with vineyards, producing some of the finest grapes for making the finest wines.

The Bible contains many references to vineyards, grapes, harvests, and winemaking. Vineyards and the resulting wine were part of the life of the people of God from the vineyards of Noah, to the winepress of judgment. But one of the most meaningful vineyard images is found in John 15. Jesus explains to his disciples that their connection to him is as branches to a vine. The branch draws its life from the vine and can only be fruitful so long as it is connected. Jesus himself is the “true vine” and his Father is the gardener who tends the vines, prunes the branches, and seeks to draw forth the fruit.

This is not only a picture of the nature of the life of a Christian, but also of worship. In worship, we who are branches celebrate the connection we have with the Vine. We draw life from the Vine as He speaks to us in His Word and feeds us at his table. Then we go forth to bring forth fruit for His glory.

Hence the name “True Vine Music.” Here in the Napa Valley, where we are surrounded by so many vines bearing so much good fruit, we are mindful of the “True Vine” who is our life, and who alone brings forth in us the fruit that will last.

What is the Purpose of True Vine Music?

The purpose is to make available for Christians, congregations, and schools worship music that is singable, Christ-centered, Biblically based, and doctrinally sound. The songs here have been given by God and are for the church. Therefore it is only fitting that they should be shared — and shared in a way that makes them readily usable.

There is no fee for downloading True Vine songs. Congregations with a CCLI license are able to download and use the songs with no further permissions needed.

We’re working on quality recordings of all of the songs available here. Some of the recordings are very simple and basic, intended to get the idea of the song into the ears of church musicians. 

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